
Serving those in need ~ Honoring those who serve

The mission of EHP is to carry out charitable ventures
*in memory of* and *inspired by the life of* Eddie Hurley.
EHP works with various organizations that address food insecurity in our community.
In addition, EHP offers an annual scholarship to high school graduates with values similar to Eddie’s.


EHP partners with various community service organization to pursue our mission.

Food for Others https://www.foodforothers.org/

LINK Against Hunger https://www.linkagainsthunger.org/

Northern Virginia Family Services https://www.nvfs.org/

Britepaths https://britepaths.org/

One Neighborhood Foundation https://www.facebook.com/OneNeighborhoodFoundation/

Friends of the W&OD Trail http://www.wodfriends.org/

Lorton Community Action Center https://lortonaction.org/


EHP sponsors the Oakton Pantry at Oakton High School.


EHP was launched in honor of Eddie’s 40th birthday.  Here are the words we shared on that day (1.18.2018):

Happy 40th Birthday, Eddie. For you, today, we launch The Eddie Hurley Project ~ in your memory and because of your inspiration.

When Eddie died (2003), one of my great heartaches was for the loss of the *good he would have done* in the future – the youth he would have mentored and coached, the meals he would have prepared for the hungry or needy, the kids he would have tutored, the translating he would have done, the countless volunteer ventures he would have pursued. Sensing that loss compounded the impact of my intense and then-present loss.

Today, in honor of his 40th birthday, I announce with gladness and hope The Eddie Hurley Project – a nonprofit with the mission of carrying out charitable projects in memory of and inspired by Eddie Hurley. I am grateful for the support and encouragement of Eddie’s mother, Kathy Hurley, my husband, Chris DeMers, and close friends who hold his memory dear. This will be our contribution to the *good he would have done* in the last 15 years … and our motivation going forward to continue to carry out the good that Eddie inspires still today.

Please join us in our mission and follow/like The Eddie Hurley Project on Facebook. Details regarding upcoming projects and ways to contribute will be posted in the coming days.

As Eddie often quoted: “I shall pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.” (Stephen Grellet)
